The Essential Guide to RAD

Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD): The Essential Guide for Parents has the resources, advice, and information I wish I’d had when my son was diagnosed with RAD. During our last promotions we’ve given away more than 4,000 copies. See what customers are saying here.

Devon was a friendly, jabbering three-year-old with round cheeks and a bright smile when we adopted him and his two-year-old sister Kayla.

Soon I realized something was seriously wrong, but had no idea what. He played with feces, threw screaming tantrums for hours, and seemed defiant and willful. I tried parenting strategy after parenting strategy, but nothing worked.

I was still trying to “fix” him when, at nine, Devon pushed his then four-year-old brother down the stairs in a rage and karate chopped him in the throat. That was my wake-up call. We needed help.

Not long after, Devon was diagnosed with reactive attachment disorder (RAD). What a huge sigh of relief – finally we could get some help and treatment. Or so I thought…

Unfortunately, there are no easy solutions for kids with RAD. Over time, however, I learned how to navigate the system, advocate for my son, and get the support I needed. Raising a child with RAD is a hard road to follow especially when you don’t have a support system or know where to go for help. This is why I wrote the guide I wish I’d had back then.

My new book, Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD): The Essential Guide for Parents, is written from the trenches. No platitudes or false promises – only key information, practical suggestions, and resource recommendations.

What customers are saying:

“This is the clearest, most honest book on Reactive Attachment Disorder I have read.” – Missy

“A must read for all those involved with children: mental health professionals, educators, and most of all struggling parents.” – Jen

“This book nails it!! I no longer feel alone or crazy!!” – Drykun

“This book brought some sanity back into my world.” – Debra

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